
The Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) is an NGO, which has been active since 1989 in the field of asylum and human rights in Greece.

On a daily basis, GCR welcomes and offers free legal and social advice and services to refugees and people coming from third countries who are entitled to international protection in our country, while special emphasis is put on vulnerable cases, such as unaccompanied minors, victims of trafficking etc. GCR offers services in major cities and entry points across the country. GCR welcomes cooperation in its fields of expertise, as for example in advocacy and the support of unaccompanied minor.

Competence and Expertise Offered

GCR consists of two main units. Its legal unit provides legal assistance and counseling to those who are in need of international protection or belong to particularly vulnerable groups (unaccompanied minors, victims of torture or other forms of violence, victims of trafficking etc.). Its social unit focuses on empowering and enabling the integration of asylum seekers and recognized refugees so they can achieve a sense of belonging and live with dignity.

Expertise sought

GCR looks for partners in its field of expertise (legal and social assistance to those in need of international protection) that would complement its activities and increase its capacity. Also, GCR would welcome the expansion of its activities at the European level.