
PATRIR is committed to a world in which conflicts are transformed constructively, through peaceful means–in which individuals, communities, countries.

The institute has as basic principles non-violence, conflict transformation, the promotion of human rights through information and awareness raising by solutions oriented, social, political and economic analysis.
Possible projects ideas: anti-racism, anti-radicalisation, polarisation, terorism, gender equality, climate change and environment.

Competence and Expertise Offered

Founded in 2001 and created as a result of numerous dialogues with representatives from various social sectors, as a response to the need of change within the local communities. The Institute lays its activity on to four pillars: action, training, research, advocacy and awareness raising. It joins together diagnosis, necessary to identify problems and challenges with prognosis and therapy, disseminating information and making sure that the promoted message reaches across communities.

Expertise sought

We seek for partneres who want to get involved in policies and practices which escalate violence, insecurity and instability for billions of people world-wide, or whether we find alternatives, and commit our social, economic, political, scientific, cultural and human resources and capacities to transforming conflicts by peaceful, determined means.