
We help people understand what they breathe. And show them real solutions what to do when is poor air quality.

Our association is founded to improve the quality of the environment and air in the Czech Republic, especially in the Ostrava region.
We offer the possibility of active participation in cofferences, lectures, projects and wherever we can benefit from our expertise.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We are strong in predicting the smog situation, data analysis and the impact of air pollution on humans.
In a simple and understandable way, we can display this data and inform as many inhabitants of your city or country as possible.
We also have experience with Erasmus plus projects – educating teachers and children about air quality.
We also have experience in organizing protest events at the city and regional levels to achieve systemic change.

Expertise sought

We are looking for partners to help us improve our app.
Also, someone who will help us spread our experience and want to participate in our citizens’ education projects.