
The basic targets of Kuman Team Foundation are productions on the ground of culture, building bridges between countries and nations.

1. The basic targets of Kuman Team Foundation are productions on the ground of culture, building bridges between countries and nations beyond divisions, using universal language of music and cultural symbols legible to people. All of it in the spirit of bringing together and finding common to all of us cultural codes as well as in the spirit of ecumenism, which in the modern world of tension and religious and moral divisions has special importance in the process of peaceful coexistence of countries, nations and their cultures.

Competence and Expertise Offered

The management and employees of Kuman Team Foundation have been creating cultural reality in Poland since years. We cooperated in creating several hundred tv shows, some of them very successful like “Europa da się lubić” or “Duże Dzieci”. People engaged in Kuman Team Foundation co-created great Festivals including Opole Festival, “Alleluja czyli Happy Day” Festival, spectacles, concerts and charity shows for children from orphanages and care centres.

Expertise sought

Flagship projects our Foundation wants to produce:
– “North – South” Festival: showing how “cool” mentality of Europe’s northern nations can mutually inspire and complement with “hot” mentality of Europe’s southern nations including Balkan energy.
– Spectacle “Salam – peace with us!” showing how many things, despite common opinions, connect religion, morality and culture of Christian and Islamic world.