
NGO aim is to form a modern attitudes and patterns of development and participation of Bulgarian women in the family, household, business and society.

Organizes training courses, workshops, competitions, public discussions, roundtables, surveys, analysis and workshops to full employability of women as entrepreneurs, managers and professionals in today’s economic conditions, both in private and public sector.
Promotes positive images of worthy women (mothers, wives, women with active citizenship) as a role model, through printed materials, through the media, through competitions, forums and forms.
Current proposal is on Civic and media literacy education implemented and promoted aimed to increase the democratic culture and civic awareness.

Competence and Expertise Offered

Implementing programs and projects financed by European, international and national funds as well as state and public bodies to solve the social, economic, professional, moral, ethical problems of girls and women in Bulgaria.
Activating women to participate in the process of gender mainstreaming in the fields of management, business and family.
Planning and organisation of events related to the fight against smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction for adolescents and youth.

Expertise sought

To cooperate with international, European, national authorities and organizations that meet the objectives of the Association.
To create and maintain contacts, works on projects in partnership with other non-profit organizations with similar areas of interest.
To Implement programs and projects financed by international and national funds as well as state and public bodies to solve the social, economic, professional, moral, ethical problems of girls and women in Bulgaria.