
INN is a higher education institution, with a vast number of subject areas. CLL is a leading actor in Norway, in further and continuing education.

Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) offers open courses and study programmes, commissioned teaching and professional
development, conferences and seminars.
CLL includes a production unit, which makes learning materials (video, audio-visual presentations, web pages, games and other interactive productions etc.), and e-learning solutions (including LMS, MOOCs and so on).

The Centre undertakes cutting edge research and evaluation in these areas. CLL has an extensive portfolio from previous international projects, both as partners and coordinators.

Competence and Expertise Offered

CLL uses a variety of educational resources and pedagogical methods to motivate and encourage learning. Utilizing digital means,we are able to manage and structure the learning process, as well as provide different learning activities like interactive tests, process writing with structured feedback, discussions, and so on. CLL evaluates and researches the learning processes with the goal of developing and improving teaching and learning methods.

Expertise sought

Centre for Lifelong Learning has at any time about 120 ongoing projects related to how individuals, organizations and communities develop and acquire relevant competence skills for professional practice. Our aim is to enable those who wish to improve their skills for the workplace or for other reasons.

In a cooperation CLL seek partners who can benefit from our skills and knowledge, and at the same time contribute towards our organisation with their experiences.