
We offer information on breast cancer prevention, early detection and full psychosocial support to every woman with breast cancer in Western Greece

Managed by breast cancer survivors, Alma Zois offers organized mutual aid, psychosocial and psychological support to breast cancer patients and their families, it runs breast cancer awareness campaigns and advocacy campaigns for breast cancer patients’ rights.
It operates the “Reach to Recovery” international program, designed by mental health professionals and supported by specially trained volunteers who have dealt with breast cancer.
Our future goals focus on the support of women’s with breast cancer caretakers as well as on the community sensitization to patients’ access to labor marke

Competence and Expertise Offered

“ALMA ZOIS” was established by breast cancer survivors, who aspired to offer to other women with the same experience the necessary support for dealing with their illness and achieving a better quality of life. As a patient association coordinated by a multidisciplinary Committee of social workers, psychologists and doctors, “ALMA ZOIS” promotes optimism by representing a positive role model.
Furthermore, the social service offerred, includes counseling on work conditions and patient rights.

Expertise sought

Through cooperation with partners active on supporting the socially vulnerable group of women with breast cancer or other types of cancer, we anticipate to exchange valuable knowledge, experience, expertise and innovative ideas on dealing with and minimizing the illness impacts on the patients’ social life and pshycological health.
Joining forces for the development of new advanced methods of caretaking and for the distribution of proactive care methods in distant regions is our main goal.