
As a non-profit association, our experience is essentially based on the formative and performative area of dance and arts.

A great concern for correct training based on a physical therapy perspective:
We have sevral projects related to physical and mental health, general well-being, with an emphasis on self-esteem, issues related to empowerment, self growth, in a strongly inclusive perspective.
We are competent to work with vulnerable groups, namely physically disabled people with mental pathology, and other risk groups.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We are competent to work with vulnerable groups, namely physically disabled people with mental pathology, and other risk groups.
Recently, we have developped a very particular interest in psychological abuse, espcailally realted to covert narcissim with an emphasis on the female victim.
What we have to offer:
Specialized knowledge in the field of physiotherapy, dance and other arts.
We have do have good a good network with health professionals.

Expertise sought

It is our intention to create a literary work in the form of a simple to read story, in a captivating language directed to the general public, in order to alert victims and/or potential victims about the subtile signs and red flags. It is our intention to suggest a help plan to help victims identify and overcome the abuse.
We seek for a shared printed book that can be a support for the victims.