
We promote the development of a democratic and civil society, and the improvement of the quality of sexual and reproductive life.

Projects in the following areas:
1) sexuality education for different target audiences – young people, women, men, young parents, teachers, other professionals;
2) protection of sexual minorities and social inclusion;
3) prevention of sexual violence;
4) prevention of religiously motivated sexual violence.

Competence and Expertise Offered

Innovative content of sexuality education program and teaching methods
Criminological analysis of sexuality education problems, their causes and prevention in post-communist countries
The Impact of the Convergence of State and Religion on an Individual’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Quality of Sexual Life

Expertise sought

Knowledge of how societal freedom in the field of sexuality affects freedom in other areas of life – economics, art, politics, etc. Conversely, how the philosophy of freedom and political freedom affect sexuality, the quality of sexual life.
Preventing the emotional consequences of abortion and reproductive loss without religious intervention.
The long-standing democratic practical experience of Norwegian society in dealing with sexuality issues.