
We are a non-profit association established in May 2003. Our key-concept is sustainable development.
Privileged target-groups are young people.

The civic education of children and youth, focused on human rights, environment, sustainable development and social justice principles.
Participation in the process of democratic transformation in Romania, especially concerning the reform of the public administration.
Support for vulnerable groups
Creation of bridges of communication between groups of youngster in Romania and other European countries around topics of general interest.

Competence and Expertise Offered

• Management of projects supported by European funds
• Educational activities in the non-formal field
• Development of partnerships with public local and central institutions and authorities, including also schools, School Inspectorates and the Ministry of Education.
• Training on human rights, sustainable development, civic education and diversity management issues
• Development of volunteering.

Expertise sought

– Education of children and young people in the field of sustainable development, focusing on civic education and respect for human rights;
– Continuous preparation for human resource training in specific areas of sustainable development;
– Assistance and support for marginalized groups or groups at risk of social exclusion;
– Lobby and campaigns for raising level of involvement of different social groups in the life of the community.