
-Promote, in concert with local stake holders, actions for the integrated development of the territory.
-Combat poverty and social exclusion.

ADTR- Associação de Desenvolvimento das Terras do Regadio is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity with the status of public utility.
ADTR’s main purpose is to implement, preferably in partnership, actions that favor the integrated development of the territory in which it operates.
Among the priority action themes are those of a social nature, support for employment and economic activities, vocational training for assets and other actions promoting local development: culture, education, environment and civic participation.

Competence and Expertise Offered

– Experience in projects to support children, young people, families, the elderly, immigrants and ethnic minorities, as well as support for the social and community insertion of other disadvantaged groups;
– Experience in entrepreneurship, employability, economic activities and associations;
-Establish partnership with other entities and / or programs in the context of the promotion of local and regional development;
– Experience in initiatives to promote environmental and cultural heritage.

Expertise sought

Partner entities of reference in the promotion of development strategies for the territory, namely in the following areas: Quality, Innovation, Cooperation, Empowerment, Sustainability, Equal Opportunities, Gender Equality, Social Responsibility, Subsidiarity.