
– reducing the number and impact of stroke in Bulgaria,
– better prevention of stroke
– higher quality of life for strke survivors

1.To provide full educational opportunities and activities for stroke survivors.
2. To create an adequate environment for stroke survivors and their families that enriches and makes their lives better.
3. To ensure an accessible environment for the disabled to all public places.
4. To reduce the absolute number of strokes in Bulgaria by 10%.
5. To build and certify special departments/units – stroke units in hospitals for specialized treatment of 90% of stroke patients in the initial acute phase.
6.To create a National Stroke Plan affecting the entire health care chain.
7. To educate

Competence and Expertise Offered

– advocacy skills
– large experiance in art therapy for stroke survivors
– policy making
– successful campaign launch
– building website and digital platforms and apps

Expertise sought

– National Stroke plan – template and esperiemce
– how to grow members quatity
– Package of rights and benefits for members
– Telemedicine in Stroke
– Aphasia practices and successful experience