Description is online news and social network supporting civic initiatives and NGOs by strengthening independent journalism and virtual networking

BlueLink is a foundation, registered in public interest in Bulgaria to uphold civil society, democracy, shared European values and environmental sustainability. BlueLink strives to its purpose by supporting internet networking, public interest journalism, policy advocacy and research.

Competence and Expertise Offered has 20 years of experience and expertise in strategic IT and internet-based tools and applications for environmental and civil society communication in Bulgaria.
BlueLink’s has also worked for strengthening independent quality journalism in the public’s interest in Bulgaria.
BlueLink posesses high-level analytical and social research expertise in the fields of journalism, mass-media independence, environmnetal and social change reporting.

Expertise sought

Possible partners:
– associations or groups of journalists; willing to work on related issues;
– capacity building organisations for quality journalism;
– media think tanks or research departments, styduing the journalistic field and media independence in the context of general developments of democracy in post-socialist societies;
– CSO, NGO, civil society and other networks;
– mass media organisations with commitment to quality journalism; and
– other possible partners with relevant expe