
NGO focused on building of peace, protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms and nonviolent methods of conflict resolution.

Centre for Peace – Osijek is a non-governmental organisation focused on building of peace, protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms and nonviolent methods of conflict resolution at the individual, group, and political level. It was established in 1992 with an aim of contributing to building of sustainable peace in the war-torn regions of Croatia, but also in the region and at the European level. The Centre implements projects in three strategic areas: rule of law and human rights, culture of nonviolence and building of peace, democracy and community development.

Competence and Expertise Offered

CPO organised numerous workshops and seminars on dialogue, non-violent conflict resolution and mediation for teachers, pupils, religious communities, civil society organisations, war veterans etc. CPO is experienced in promoting and advocating the inclusion of peer mediation in schools.

Expertise sought

CPO is active in numerous national, regional and European networks to support European solidarity, peacebuilding and nonviolent education.