
Our main mission is social, educational and professional integration of children and people with disability and few oportunities

implement the community acquis in social domain. Health promotion in school community, educational campaigns for the Roma community ,promote the role of the NGO in dissemination of equal opportunities and tolerance,•training of the personnel working with the handicapped ,socio-educational integration of children /people with disability , ederly, few oportunities , minorities

Competence and Expertise Offered

• To assist in making Rumanian NGOs more inclusive and open to work with diverse groups by providing them with appropriate methods, tools and knowledge about visual impairments, mental and motor disability
• To assist in inclusion of youth with disability in their local community by taking part in non-formal education activities together with their typical development peers,to organize national and intenational workshops and simposions

Expertise sought

We aim to share and utilize experiences and good practices in working with children/people with disability /few oportunities in order to elaborate and implement programs concerning vulnerable groups and health promotion in the community (schools, minorities,) in collaboration