
COI is a private social welfare entity founded in 1980. It supports people throughout the life cycle, tackling emergent social issues in our society.

COI Foundation acts in several domains, such as:
– Childhood and Youth: Nursery, Kindergarten, and other Education services;
– Residential Care for children and young people in danger:
– Disability Support Center;
– Elderly Home and other services related to ageing;
– Services for supporting individuals/families in poverty and unemployment;
– Environmental Education, through a Pedagogical Farm.

We are open to develop projects related to education issues, gender/domestic violence, employability, social rights, ageing, and improvement of civic participation.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We have been participating in several initiatives in the past years, such as:
– being an active member of the European Social Action Network (ESAN), as well as other networks;
– participating in national and international projects, such as “inTICgration: Integrating ICT in the educational processes of people with severe mental illness and/or dual diagnosis” and International VET initiatives;
– COI has also a number of experienced workers from varied academic fields.

Expertise sought

We seek partners maintly interested in similar areas, being open to discuss and develop promising ideas. However, despite the fact COI develops several services in traditional areas, we also tackle emergent issues in our society (at the local, national, and European level). Thus we would be open to discuss initiatives related to social rights, active citizenship, social inclusion, gender-based violence, among others,