
Goodwill Caravan is a non-profit humanitarian organisation that covers a wide range of refugee and anti-trafficking protection projects.

Goodwill Caravan is a non-profit humanitarian charity and NGO that covers refugee protection projects including emergency aid distributions, sheltering the most vulnerable, legal and medical support for refugees in Greece. We focus particularly on vulnerable refugee families, lone women and single mothers, detained and unaccompanied children; those who are at the highest risk of trafficking, sexual exploitation and GBV.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We provide the most vulnerable refugees with a complete package of support; from the most basic life necessities to complex legal cases, our holistic approach is tailored to each individual or family. We provide those most at risk with shelter, while our legal and medical offices ensure they have the necessary ongoing support. Our legal office handles asylum applications, detention release, and family reunification, including unaccompanied minors. We also run educational and vocational courses.

Expertise sought

We seek to work collaboratively under bilateral initiatives with like-minded organisations to:
• Improve the quality of accommodation and other services provided in open reception centres in Greece
• Strengthen our capacities to ensure the protection of vulnerable asylum seekers, particularly unaccompanied minors in Greece.
• Assist in the orderly and humane voluntary return from Greece of migrants or vulnerable groups, among other initiatives in the field of Asylum and Migration.