
Local partnership of public and private subjects supports the villages, schools, small bussiness and NGOs in the rural area at north of Czech republic

MAS/Local Action Group is an NGO, based on the partnership of public and private sector, working in the rural region, at the principles of the LEADER method. MAS Frydlantsko was based in 2004, formulated the development strategies and received funding from European funds for small investment projects of local actors. Since 2014 we are more active in the educational and social area, as our region shows signs of social exclusion.

Competence and Expertise Offered

Local development, based on the detailed knowledge of the local needs, driven through the participatory processes: we support the active organizations and citizens from our rural and socio-economically weak region to participate on local development activities, and prepare our own projects, focused on networking and common planning in local education and social systems.

Expertise sought

Examples of the good practice and expert support in the areas mentioned above
Examples (and possible training) in the field of supporting the less active groups to be more active (community work)