
The Nordic open online Academy is an online school that develop and provide flexible online courses in collaboration with other organisations

NooA – the Nordic open online Academy ( – was established as an online school and accredited by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research in 2012.
NooA has developed more than 100 online courses in Scandinavian languages and English. The students can start whenever they want, follow their individual pace and study anytime anywhere. The teachers are part-time employed, living in various regions of Norway and in several other countries.

NooA’s aim is to become an international centre for online courses, and it has more than 3.000 registered users in 40 countries.

Competence and Expertise Offered

NooA provides services and competency in international and flexible online education.

Expertise sought

NooA is interested in collaboration with organizations that have information and knowledge they would like to disseminate through flexible online courses to their members, partners or other learners in several countries.