
Our organisation has 20+y experience in promoting diversity and inclusion.We provide practical tools, education, consulting, campaigns and networking.

Within the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion, we aim at projects which enhance sharing of best-practice between NGOs, or across the actors (businesses/academia/research) to build a large network of organistions which share the mission of embedding diversity, equity and inclusion into worplaces and everyday lives. We also search for partners who would like to coopreate with us on the development of new campaign, innovative trainings and larger events to increase impact on companies and wide publiic.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We can build on our network of companies which advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion (, which also serves as a testbed of new solutions within the design thinking approach. We can provide our expertise in all particular topics of diversity, we can share experience with our innovative & gamified training formats.

Expertise sought

We seek organisations who would like to build a network of partners, exchange best-practice, and increase impact by organizing joint events, trainings and raising awareness campaigns.