
ROMAPIS has 16 members, local associations of beekeepers covering most of the territory, representing at the time being about 10% of Romania’s hives.

We have as main goal to represent and defend the rights of the Romanian beekeepers in relation to the Romanian and EU authorities.
We are seeking project collaborations in the following fields of activity: beekeeping, bee health, responsible use of pesticides, availability of nutritional sources for bees and other pollinators, environment, ecological agriculture, scientific research related to bees, pollinators and beekeeping, sustainable apiculture, urban beekeeping, honey market, legal aspects of beekeeping and environment at EU and member state level.

Competence and Expertise Offered

We can provide expertise in practical aspects of Romanian beekeeping, provide collaboration in any activity or project related to apiculture with our beekeepers and beekeepers that are not directly involved in our organization (we manage a large data base containing contacts of more than 30% of Romania’s beekeepers, about 16000 entries).

Expertise sought

Looking for providers of expertise in bee health, scientific research of bees, honey and beeswax, environment, bee friendly use of pesticides, practical aspects of ecological agriculture and its impact on bees and pollinators, ecological aspects of urban planning and development, trade and marketing of honey and other products of the hive or supplies and consumables used in beekeeping, IT, internet of things and development of smartphone apps, improvement of legislation regulating apiculture.