
The NGO assists convicts in their transition from imprisonment to society. Personal follow-up that prevents the users to return to crime and drugs.

In Wayback, everyone is equal. We treat each other respectfully and we have a high level of user involvement. Our users appreciate our similar background. We share some of the
challenges each person meets when wanting to change. It is a fellowship of people, where many share similar experiences in life. Wayback’s special competence is that, we understand the situation of the inmate and the detainee. We know what it takes to return to society.
We want to develop new knowledge concerning the need of incarcerated people. How can we improve to offer better programs that reduce recidivism

Competence and Expertise Offered

We assists convicts in their transition from imprisonment to be included in society. Furthermore, we have personal follow-up that prevents the users to return to crime and drug-abuse. All our work is based on lived experience. Our peer mentoring method can be provided is a possible co-operation. Including training of mentors, how to advocate for using lived experience. Human Rights for incarcerated people, Democracy in prisons, gender rights and improving the physiologic and psychiatric service.

Expertise sought

Achieving and learning best practice in the field of working with correction units.
Look for better methods working with former inmates. Exchanging experience co-lateral visits. How to include former inmates in work environment and ensure that we have the same values.