
THEAMA was founded in 2010, as a professional inclusive theatre group for persons with and without disabilities, operating in Athens, Greece.

THEAMA and its subsidiary ISON School for Performing Arts , provide for the educational needs of the sector with inclusive classes in drama and dance for children, youth and adults.
Seminars and Workshops are additionally offered to students and participants with guest trainers on regular basis.
Focused on people with physical, sensory and learning/mental disabilities, as well as non-disabled students, it provides for inclusive and accessible training environment.

Competence and Expertise Offered

THEAMA produces plays where the majority of the actors are people with disabilities, trained as professional actors and compete in the field of performing arts as equals and within an
all-inclusive framework. It strongly advocates the message that art is for all, anyone capable of maintaining the artistic and aesthetic values should be able to participate, and none
should be excluded based on disability or other social biases.
All THEAMA’s performances are venue and content accessible

Expertise sought

a) their competency as educators in the in inclusive framework in the performing arts,
b) their operational capacity to support the project with the human resources required
c) socially pro-active
d)digital competence
e) networks and dissemination capacity