
We support children in early childhood, parents, teachers and the methods of education they use, we protect children from traumas to their personality

TUNS works in the field of child psychology and we study the events and factors that have the strongest influence on the formation of a child’s personality. Our activity includes: online trainings, personal visits to kindergartens, seminars and other activities aimed at preventive measures for making serious mistakes in the upbringing of a child and allowing deviations in his behavior and development.

Possible projects: exchange of knowledge, meet new methods and approaches in psychology, new solutions to problems related to children and adolescents, and training for parents and teachers.

Competence and Expertise Offered

The experience we have is gained as a result of our work with people and the internship that our team has gone through.
We have worked in the field of:
– psychology of minor and juvenile criminals
– criminal psychology
– applied psychology and psychotherapy
But the cases with clients we worked on and with whom life met us gave us the greatest experience.

Expertise sought

We are looking for other organizations that are focused in the field of activities close to ours, with which we can exchange experience and practice and thus contribute to the benefits of our work.
Organizations that are open to share with us the methods they work with and are open their methods being applied in our country.