
TYTO is a CSO based in Greece, Thessaly. It bridges biodiversity friendly practices and solutions within agricultural management, awareness, education

We are a small organization founded in 2020.
We work mainly in agricultural and periurban ecosystems. We want to bring tangible Natural Based Solutions (NBSs) within intensive agricultural practices, and establish a change both in practice as well as in mentality. But we want to broaden our scope.
We have one major project with the Regional Government of Thessaly, and 2 mini projects.
Our project ideas range as:
– Natural based solution in agricultural management
– Education and awareness of both adult and children
– Climate mitigation/adaptation project
– Shape policies and advocacy

Competence and Expertise Offered

As mentioned, we are a small CSO. We are 8 people who founded the Association, and working staff we have 2 full time and 3 part time.
We offer the following expertise
Ecology and Wildlife Management, Sustainable Management of Rural Environment, Biology, Agronomy, Soil, Landscape Architecture, Finance, Communication – Awareness and Education.
We have a big project that links us to 9 Municipalities of central Greece and farmers and the Regional Government.

Expertise sought

We seek cooperation with organizations and associations that work with the central and regional governments, that shape policies, tha work with advocacy, that work with the youth, children but also adults, in the fields of
-environmental education and management
-agricultural management and biodiversity
-awareness and reachout
-capacity building for nature and environmental-friendly agricultural practices
-environmental protection