
Education for rural/local development, citizen involvement and entrepreneurship. Facilitate processes for community development and good governance

Extensive experience in facilitating local processes. Our staff can help in all kinds of development, entrepreneurial/innovative, participative challenges. Our speciality is working with local communities/stakeholders to establish forum for cooperation and train participants to be skilled in solving their own challenges
Triple-/quadruple helix- approaches, circular economy thinking and citizen science methodology are our speciality.

Competence and Expertise Offered

Our team of professors/senior researchers and senior consultants all have more than 25 years experience in working in the field, building structures for institutional and grassroots cooperation and evaluating cooperative processes.
In addition, we also offer experience in regenerative agriculture (permaculture, organic and small-scale) and how to work in common ties to build, foster and sustain empowerment

Expertise sought

We seek to cooperate with local municipalities, local NGOs and local communities, contributing to empowerment for increased self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
We hope to gain experience from introducing our ideas, skills and tools in new communities/places, in order to continue developing our skills for improved implementation