
We are a network of organisations working with and for financially, socially and legally disadvataged groups in Norway and Europe.

We work for an inclusive welfare society that leaves noone behind. We would be happy to be part of projects focusing on social inclusion, social welfare, children in poverty and their access to activities and education, health related issues that leads to poverty, human rights and more. We are member of The cooperation forumw is a body for political influence. The Forum consists of twelve nationwide organizations.
Representatives from the Co-operation Forum have regular meetings, 3 or 4 meetings per year, with the Minister of Labour and the Minister’s staff. Other ministers are also invited

Competence and Expertise Offered

Human rights, both in regard of minority issues as well as for anyone who needs support and guidance in accessing the welfare system. We have several organisations and networks working well in intergration and inclusion. We are also doing partnership work with NAV, Labour and Welfare Administration, and the sections of municipal social services that are part of the joint local offices. Trough our work we build broad knowledge and expertise within the field of poverty and social exclusion.

Expertise sought

We are open to work with any organisation who through a project want to work on humant rights to access and participation in the society they live in. We are open to work within any project that is taking active measures to improve life and living condition for people that are facing poverty and social exclusion.