
We are an environmental NGO, partners of the United Nations, who aim to make the world greener with environmental actions.

We are a non-profit Environmental Organization that was created to help Earth heal itself and remind people that this Planet is our home, before it is too late. We4all activities include: Tree Planting / Reforestation actions
Watering and caring for our planted trees, Protecting and preserving forest land, Cleaning up seashores and marine environment, Organizing events to bring people of similar interests and vision together, Organizing seminars and lectures in schools and other organizations to raise environmental awareness.

Competence and Expertise Offered

As we have already planted more than 200.000 trees in Greece and abroad, we are partners of the UN, we have educated more than 30.000 students in greek schools all over Greece, we help recently burned areas to rise again etc. we have the necessary know-how to flourish in a cooperation with our partners. Of course, we need the know how of other organisations in order to be better.

Expertise sought

We seek partners who have already participated in European Funding Programs and can assist us in that matter. We have a lot to offer but we need more to learn.