The amounts allocated to particular support areas are:
- Area 1: civic participation in public affairs and social activities: EUR 4 500 000
- Area 2: protection of human rights and equal treatment: EUR 2 985 000
- Area 3: empowerment of vulnerable groups: EUR 2 970 000.
The envisaged results of the Programme and particular areas for which support is provided are listed on the Programme website:
There are two types of grants available in this call for proposals:
Small grants
- Minimum grant: EUR 5 000
- Maximum grant: EUR 25 000
- Project implementation period: between 8 and 24 months
- Co-financing – 10% of project’s budget, may be entirely in the form of in-kind contribution (voluntary work).
Large grants
- Minimum grant: EUR 25 000
- Maximum grant: 62 500 euro
- Project implementation period: between 8 and 24 months
- Co-financing – 10% of project’s budget, of which a minimum of 50% must be a financial contribution.
Applications can be submitted via the Online Application System available at
Deadlines for applications:
- Project outlines can be submitted between 10 February 2020 (from 15.00 pm CET) and 31 March 2020 (up until 12.00 pm midday CEST).
- Detailed projects can be submitted between 1 June 2020 (from 12.00 pm midday CEST) and 31 July 2020 (until 12.00 pm midday CEST).
Thematic projects may be implemented in partnership with CSOs or other public and private, and commercial and non-commercial organisations, and also informal groups from Norway. There is a separate available budget for direct costs relating to the partner’s role in the project – where projects are implemented in partnership with Donor State organisations. The size of this budget varies according to the grant applied to (Small og Large).
All the information can be found here: Call for thematic projects