- Civic engagement in underserved areas including small grants (between 5.000 and 50.000 Euro) and rapid response grants (between 5.000 and 15.000 Euro). The objective of this Call is to stimulate civic engagement in underserved areas and for underserved target groups.
- Awareness on human rights and equal treatment including small grants (between 5.000 and 50.000 Euro) and rapid response grants (between 5.000 and 15.000 Euro). The objective of this Call is to enhance awareness on human rights/equal treatment, at local level, in underserved areas and/or for underserved target groups.
Mobilising vulnerable groups in underserved areas including small grants (between 5.000 and 50.000 Euro). The objective of this Call is to empower vulnerable groups from underserved areas, including interethnic communities and contribute to their social inclusion.
These calls have an ongoing application process with three evaluation sessions and three application deadlines for each of the evaluation sessions. Please chech each call for the specific deadlines. Application process exclusively through the online platform www.finantaripublice.fdsc.ro.
5 open calls with deadline:
1. Civic education and engagement
The objective of this Call is to increase citizens’ education on civic and human rights and help them in exercising/ enforcing their rights.
The Call is launched under the Programme Outcome 1 Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness and covers two areas of support of the Active Citizens Fund in Romania, respectively „Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency” and „Environment and climate change”.
Eligible applicants are exclusively legally established Romanian non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs). Partnership is doonor country entities is encouraged.
Size of grants: Medium, between 50.001 and 100.000 Euro.
Dealine: March 11, 2020. Application process exclusively through the online platform www.finantaripublice.fdsc.ro
It is indispensable to read the Guidelines for Applicants which contains specific information for the preparation of applications and the rules for this Call (including eligibility of applicants, partners, projects).
2. Civic activism and advocacy
The objective of this Call is to support and advance monitoring, advocacy and watchdog activities at local and/or central levels.
The Call is launched under the Programme Outcome 1 – Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness and covers two areas of support of the Active Citizens Fund in Romania, respectively „Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency” and „Environment and climate change”.
Eligible applicants are exclusively legally established Romanian non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs). Partnership is donor country entities is encouraged.
Size of grants: medium and large grants (between 50.000 and 250.000 Euro) and strategic grants (between 100.001 – 250.000 Euro).
Dealine: March 11, 2020. Application process exclusively through the online platform www.finantaripublice.fdsc.ro
It is indispensable to read the Guidelines for Applicants which contains specific information for the preparation of applications and the rules for this Call (including eligibility of applicants, partners, projects).
3. Strategic support for human rights and equal treatment
The objective of this Call is to support NGOs to enforce their human rights advocacy and monitoring role including in relation to gender equality issues and combatting gender-based violence.
The Call is launched under the Programme Outcome 2 – CSOs actively defend human rights and promote equal treatment and covers two areas of support of the Active Citizens Fund in Romania, respectively „Human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity” and „Gender equality and gender-based violence”.
Eligible applicants are exclusively legally established Romanian non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs). Partnership is donor country entities is encouraged.
Size of grants: medium and large grants (between 50.000 and 250.000 Euro) and strategic grants (between 100.001 – 250.000 Euro).
Dealine: March 11, 2020. Application process exclusively through the online platform www.finantaripublice.fdsc.ro
It is indispensable to read the Guidelines for Applicants which contains specific information for the preparation of applications and the rules for this Call (including eligibility of applicants, partners, projects).
4. Advocating for social inclusion of vulnerable groups
The objective of this Call is to advocate at local/ national level for social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups and empower vulnerable groups.
The Call is launched under the Programme Outcome 3 – Vulnerable groups are empowered and covers one area of support of the Active Citizens Fund in Romania, respectively „Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups”.
Eligible applicants are exclusively legally established Romanian non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs). Partnership is donor country entities is encouraged.
Size of grants: medium grants (between 50.001 and 100.000 Euro) and large grants (between 100.001 – 250.000 Euro).
Eligible projects support NGOs to tackle the causes of exclusion and injustice for specific vulnerable groups and increase their inclusion. Interventions should lead to sustainable changessuch as new/improved policies/legislation, implementation of existing policies/legislation, positive changes in the general public attitudes/practices, etc.
There are supported NGOs to:
- advocate for social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups,
- activate and empower vulnerable groups,
- have a strong participatory approach,
- have a multi-stakeholder approach,
- make good use of the existing local resources in the targeted community to enhance social inclusion of vulnerable groups,
- increase access of vulnerable groups to education, medical services, housing, employment, social services, etc., as well as to increase the quality of the services,
- to develop integrated/ new models of services meant to address the needs of vulnerable groups.
Under this Call, represents added value the partnership with other NGOs with complementary expertise for a sustainable intervention and an integrated approach.
It is indispensable to read the Guidelines for Applicants which contains specific information for the preparation of applications and the rules for this Call (including eligibility of applicants, partners, projects).
5. Development of rural interethnic communities
The objective of this Call is to contribute on medium and long term development of rural interethnic communities and improvement of Roma situation.
The Call is launched under the Programme Outcome 3 – Vulnerable groups are empowered and covers one area of support of the Active Citizens Fund in Romania, respectively „Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups”.
Eligible applicants are exclusively legally established Romanian non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs). Partnership is donor country entities is encouraged.
Eligible projects tackle the causes of exclusion and injustice exclusively within the rural interethnic communities, reduce disparities between Roma and non-Roma population and increase inclusion of vulnerable groups.
Size of grants: medium grants (between 50.001 and 100.000 Euro) and large grants (between 100.001 – 250.000 Euro).
It is indispensable to read the Guidelines for Applicants which contains specific information for the preparation of applications and the rules for this Call (including eligibility of applicants, partners, projects).
More information on all calls with all guidelines and details for application are to be found here.