Strengthen cooperation with Greece
The objectives of the programmes are to contribute to social and economic development in Greece and strengthen the cooperation between Greece and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Civil Society is the area that receives most funding after Innovation and business development, and migration and asylum.- Greece is still the first destination for many migrants and refugees who are trying to reach Europe. European countries share a responsibility to find good solutions to this situation. It is therefore both important and right for Norway to continue its cooperation with Greece to deal with one of the greatest challenges Europe is currently facing, said Marit Berger Røsland, Norwegian Minister of EEA and EU Affairs.Read the MFA’s facetsheet on the agreement with Greece here

A new programme
Building on the good cooperation established with Greece in the previous funding period, several programme areas and projects will continue to receive support under this funding period.There will also be a new programme focusing on good governance, accountable institutions and transparency.The programme will support key intervention areas to increase the efficiency and transparency of the Greek public sector.In the coming months work will continue to set up the programmes. Open calls for proposal will be announced at a later stage.
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