Ad-hoc action projects
This Call for proposals has been designed to provide financial support for Croatian CSOs active in one (or more) of the Programme Priority Areas
- Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency,
- Human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity,
- Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups,
- Gender equality and gender-based violence,
- Environment and climate change.
and whose social impact supported by the Call will contribute to at least one of the Programme Outcomes:
- Strengthened civil society watchdog/advocacy role;
- Increased support for human rights, rule of law and good governance;
- Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness and engagement;
Under Call for Ad-hoc Action projects, the Programme will support initiatives that best respond to an emerging situation or detected problems that relate to Programme’s Priority Areas and that require immediate action and affect the citizens and/or the NGO sector. Proposed actions need to demonstrate the rationales for rapid response and ability to open avenues for the solution to the identified problem, threat or opportunity arising in the emerging situation.
Under this Call, each individual organization can receive the maximum of 3 grants in the role of lead applicant. There is no limitation on the number of grants received in the role of project partner.
Size of grants: between 1.000 and 5.000 EUR
Project duration: 1 – 3 months
Deadlines for submission of project proposals: on-going call until August 24, 2023 (Due to the permanently open call and ongoing application and evaluation process, the available financial allocation could be exhausted before the deadline. Selection of project applications will take place on monthly basis.)
Opening date of the application process starts on August 3, 2020 and selection of project applications will take place on monthly.
More information on dates, guidelines for applicants and application forms are to be found here.
Large projects
This Call for proposals has been designed to provide financial and capacity building support for Croatian CSOs active in one (or more) of the Programme Priority Areas
- Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency,
- Human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity,
- Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups,
- Gender equality and gender-based violence,
- Environment and climate change.
and whose social impact and own organizational development supported by the Call will contribute to at least one of the Programme Outcomes:
- Strengthened civil society watchdog/advocacy role;
- Increased support for human rights, rule of law and good governance;
- Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness and engagement;
The support provided by the Call is aimed at building organizational and programmatic capacities of Croatian CSOs that share a common value base to address a social problem in a systematic and strategic manner, through the funding of a project that is relevant to the Programme’s Priority Areas and which is designed and managed in a way that is geared towards social impact. Hence, the Call is targeting civil society organizations with sufficiently effective management and governing processes capable of developing complex, multi-year project interventions, targeting the same social problem or needs of a particular target group in a comprehensive manner, with focus on social impact. Social impact project design takes into account the complexity of factors influencing the solution to any social problem and outcome of any civic action.
The call addresses the following country-specific concerns through different measures:
- Strengthen the capacity and sustainability of the civil society sector;
- Improve outreach to under-served geographic areas and target groups;
- Empowerment and inclusion of vulnerable groups, including Roma;
- Promote initiatives strengthening inter-cultural dialogue with special emphasis on national minorities,
- Promote initiatives aimed at intergenerational cooperation
Inter-generational cooperation and inter-cultural dialogue are horizontal priorities of this Call
Size of grants: between 90.000 and 150.000 EUR
Project duration: 24-36 months
Deadlines for submission of project proposals: two-step application process
Deadline for submission of Concept notes: May 11, 2020, 12:00 Croatian time
Anticipated deadline for submission of full project proposals: August 17, 2020, 12:00 Croatian time (or 1 month after applicants receive invitations to proceed with preparation and submission of full project proposals)
Each individual applicant can submit only one project proposal in this call (valid for all Outcomes 1-3 projects). Same organization can participate in no more than two project proposals in a partner role.
More information, guidelines for applicants and applications forms are to be found here.