This is the third call for Active Citizens Fund project proposals and it aims to strengthen the sustainability and capacity of Latvian civil society sector and civil society organisations.
Project promoters can plan activities focused on cooperation and networking of civil society organisations, increasing competencies of human resources, developing financial sustainability and mobilising resources, as well as other activities focusing on the development of the organisation and promoting its transition to the next level so it may more effectively and efficiently reach its aims.
- Amount of the grant: 6 000 – 20 000 euro
- Total funding available: 1 060 000 euro
- Project duration: 6 – 24 months
- Project implementation period: 01.04.2021. – 30.09.2023.
Partnerships with donor country organizations is highly encouraged.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15. February 2021.
An online matchmaking seminar for interested parties is being held on the 26th of January 2021. Invitation, details and sign up form to the seminar can be downloaded here. Do not forget to sign up for the matchmaking by the 20th of January.
Do you want to know more about the Latvian organizations that have already signed up for the matchmaking seminar? See the list of participants here.
For more information, guidelines and supporting documents visit Active Citizens Fund Latvia.