Royal Norwegian Embassy in Lisbon
Norwegian organizations working to strengthen democracy, increase support for human rights, empower vulnerable groups and enhance the capacity of civil society can join Portuguese organizations in partnerships to submit proposals for project funding. Deadline for applications is October 2018.

Open call 1 – Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness, large projects

Type of projects to be supported

  • Citizenship education and training at formal and non-formal levels;
  • Promotion of democratic literacy;
  • Citizens’ awareness-raising, information and outreach on the importance to participate actively in the community;
  • Civic activism and mobilisation activities;
  • Promotion of volunteering and solidarity;
  • Strengthening youths’ social participation, their involvement in the community and promoting their active participation in decision making processes;
  • Advocacy activities;
  • Public policy watchdog and monitoring activities, including the implementation of recommendations or decisions taken at the international level;
  • Awareness raising, sharing of information and participation in decision-making processes concerning public policies;
  • Collaboration between NGOs and investigative journalists to ensure transparency and combat corruption;
  • Partnerships and promotion of structured dialogue between NGOs and public and private entities to address social and environmental problems.


Budget and size of projects

The total budget allocated to this call is 1 050 000 Euros.

Amount of grant assistance to be applied for should be between 30 000 – 150 000 Euros.

Deadline: 26 October 2018, at 17:00 (GMT/Lisbon time).

Further information to be found on the ACF Portugal website.


Open call 2 – Increased support for human rights, large projects

Type of projects to be supported

  • Human rights education and training, in particular for young people;
  • Awareness raising campaigns and actions that prevent or fight human rights violations such as discrimination on any ground, racism, hate speech and all forms of violence;
  • Activities valuing human diversity and promoting tolerance and the acceptance of that which is different;
  • The creation of platforms to facilitate and develop actions that promote intercultural dialogue;
  • Promotion of gender equality, including in parenthood and employment;
  • Advocacy work on human rights;
  • Research and analysis activities supporting political action in favour of human rights;
  • Participation in the decision-making processes concerning public policies on human rights;
  • Support to civil litigation processes in favour of human rights


Budget and size of projects

The total budget allocated to this call is 1 150 000 Euros.

Amount of grant assistance to be applied for should be between 30 000 – 150 000 Euro.

Deadline: 29 October 2018, at 17:00 (GMT/Lisbon time).

Further information to be found on the ACF Portugal website.


Open call 3 – Vulnerable groups empowered, large projects

Types of projects to be supported

  • Adoption of participatory methods and/or innovative solutions in addressing the needs of vulnerable groups; b.
  • Inclusion and response to social needs, namely regarding people with disabilities; c.
  • Support for youths at risk of social exclusion, including from marginalised communities, in order to promote successful social and professional paths; d.
  • Support for victims of domestic and sexual violence, including their physical, psychological and social rehabilitation; e.
  • Support for the integration, in its various components, of refugees, migrants, Roma and other minority groups; f.
  • Support for the integration of former prisoners, homeless people and other marginalized or at-risk groups, including through the use of the arts, sport or culture; g.
  • Provision of training for the economic empowerment of vulnerable individuals, in order to promote their integration in the labour market; h.
  • Support for the mobilisation of older peoples’ knowledge for the benefit and inclusion of newer generations in marginalised communities, in particular through intergenerational cooperation and mentoring initiatives.


Budget and size of projects

The total budget allocated to this call is 1 300 000 Euros.

Amount of grant assistance to be applied for should be between 30 000 – 150 000 Euro.

Deadline: 31 October 2018, at 17:00 (GMT/Lisbon time).

Further information to be found on the ACF Portugal website.


Open call 4 – Enhanced capacity and sustainability of civil society, small projects

The call focuses on projects consisting in the elaboration of needs assessments and action plans/strategic plans for Portuguese Civil Society Organisations.

Budget and size of projects

The total budget allocated to this call is 120 000 Euros.

Amount of grant assistance to be applied for is up to 6 000 Euro.

Deadline: 30 October 2018, at 17:00 (GMT/Lisbon time).

Further information to be found on the ACF Portugal website.


Ongoing open call – Bilateral cooperation initiatives


The funds are intended to support activities aiming at enhancing relations between Portuguese NGOs and entities in the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and contribute to the overall objectives of the Active Citizens Fund.

Bilateral Cooperation Initiatives are intended to finance short-term international exchanges of experiences, including internships and participation in conferences, seminars and short duration training courses, and to foster contacts amongst NGOs and other potential partners.


Priorities for Bilateral Cooperation Initiatives include strengthening the capacity and effectiveness of NGOs in the Portuguese civil society, namely capacity building in specific areas like advocacy and public policy watchdog, fundraising and diversification of funding sources and volunteer’s management, and also promoting gender equality and combating gender-based violence and to contribute to the objective of the Active Citizens Fund.

Budget and size of grant

The overall budget allocated to this call amounts to 90 000 Euros.

The maximum size of the grant assistance to be applied for is 6 000 Euros per application.

Deadline: 30 June 2023 at 17:00 (GMT/Lisbon time).

Further information to be found on the ACF Portugal website.

Read more about the Active Citizens Fund in Portugal.