Finding partners

Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
Katheti is a cultural and educational centre for the sustainable development of Poros and Troizinia-Methana region.
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Democracy and good governance / Education / Equal opportunities / Human rights
We are OTM a non-profit organization of young enthusiasts from Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Good governance and transparency / Human rights
We bring added value to social, cultural and educational services, contributing to the sustainable development of the…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Civic education / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
Our organization focuses on the needs of the inhabitants of Drosero Xanthi (exclusively inhabited by ROMA).
Children and Youth / Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities / Human rights
A small youth organisation with highschool students volunteers, involved in local social projects, environmental problems &inclusion of…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
PLAYING aims at changing the culture around play, through raising awareness, education and support for parents, teachers…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Good governance and transparency / Human rights
Centres for Seniors is a non-profit organization providing social and health promotion day programs for seniors.
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change
Activities in the field of creating and caring for cultural landscapes, environmental protection and recovery of cultural…
Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Good governance and transparency
Our aim is to explore the discourse of public governance, to increase citizen engagement and participation in…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Education / Equal opportunities / Human rights
ILIAKTIDA is a civil non-profit society actor in Lesvos island, supporting refugees and migrants since 2009 and…