Welcome to Bergen Local Media Forum!

For more details about the event, read the conference description here.

Tuesday, 11.06

09:00-12:30: Morning session
12:30-13:30: Lunch
13:30-16:30: Afternoon session
18:00: Dinner and movie screening - "Killing of a journalist"

Wednesday, 12.06

09:00-12:30: Morning session
12:30-13:30: Lunch
13:30-16:30: Afternoon session
19:00: Dinner

Thursday, 13.06

09:00-11:45: Morning session
11:45-12:45: Lunch
13:00-14:00: Study trips

Lise Rye


Arun Chaudhary

Norwegian Media Authority

Hanne Sekkelsten

Erlik Oslo

Even Skyrud


Morten Langfeldt Dahlback

Oppdatert, NRK

Tiril Solvang


Zsuzsanna Wirth

Hilde Sandvik. Picture credit: Martin Håndlykken / Nordiske Mediedager
Broen.xyz, Norsken, Svensken og Dansken

Hilde Sandvik

Media City Bergen

Helge O. Svela

PaulPatrickBorhaug, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jorgen_frydnes.jpg Size modified to: 1200x1283
PEN Norway

Jørgen Watne Frydnes

The Last Generation Poland

Nawojka Ciborska

European Federation of Journalists, Trade Union of Croatian Journalists

Maja Sever

Institute for Resilience Building

Victor Breiner

Center for Sustainable Media

Peter Erdelyi

Prague Civil Society Center

Dominika Bychawska-Siniarska

Investigate Europe

Amund Trellevik

Landslaget for lokalaviser

Øivind Skjervheim

Internews in Moldova

Oxana Iutes


Annamária Dömeová


Răzvan Chiruță

Financial Mechanism Office

Anna Gabriele Striethorst


Jakub Wygnański

The Europeans

Katy Lee


Vlad Dumitrescu

Radio TOK FM

Agnieszka Lichnerowicz


Joanna Szymańska

The Europeans

Wojciech Oleksiak


Simona Constantinescu

Questions can be directed to:

Are you a professional or activist in journalism, media, or freedom of speech situated in Norway? We invite you to express your interest in attending our upcoming conference by completing the registration form here.

Please note that submitting the form does not guarantee a spot. You will receive an email notification regarding whether you are selected to attend.

With added support from: Open Estonia Foundation, Open Society Fund – Prague, Ekopolis Foundation, Centre for Information Service, Cooperation and Development of NGOs (CNVOS), Bodossaki Foundation.