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Civic education / Culture / Education / Equal opportunities / Human rights
Serving the arts and culture in Portugal for over 20 years, Casa do Artista is a Non-Profit…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Culture / Democracy and active citizenship / Democracy and good governance / Education / Equal opportunities / Human rights
Our scope of work is focused on implementing a MicroIntegration approach, training, and coaching provision. Our main…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Culture / Democracy and active citizenship / Democracy and good governance / Education / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Good governance and transparency / Human rights
MCSA works to promote sustainability and communication in citizen science activities while empowering migrants and promoting diversity…
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Democracy and good governance / Education / Good governance and transparency
Value for Health CoLAB (VOH.CoLAB) is a non-profit whose mission is to help people and organizations to…
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Equal opportunities / Human rights
-Promote, in concert with local stake holders, actions for the integrated development of the territory. -Combat poverty…
Children and Youth / Civic education / Culture / Democracy and active citizenship / Education / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
The association helps people in need: children, youth and the elderly
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Equal opportunities / Human rights provides free online psychological counselling and information and aims to raise the public’s awareness on the…
Children and Youth / Civic education / Culture / Democracy and active citizenship / Education / Equal opportunities / Human rights
NGO committed to the promotion of culture, education, personal development and the promotion of wellbeing in the…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Culture / Education / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence
ASPIDA was established in 2019, is based in Ioannina and aims at the psychological support of vulnerable…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Education / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
NGO committed to the promotion of prevention culture, personal development and the promotion of wellbeing in the…