Finding partners
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Civic education / Human rights
Believing that good health and housing are closely related, Equita advocates and acts for equal access to…
Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change / Good governance and transparency / Human rights
AZURE aims environment friendly sustainable development, democracy, human rights and the shared European values.
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Equal opportunities / Human rights
Estonian Refugee Council provides support services to refugees in Estonia and humanitarian aid to people who have…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Good governance and transparency / Human rights
Founded in 2001, our organization works for improving the education of Roma children and students through changes…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Equal opportunities / Human rights
The Parents Association of Intellectually Impaired Individuals (E.G.N.Y.A.) is an accredited non-profit, charitable association.
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Democracy and active citizenship / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
Centre Mokosha is a non-profit organisation dedicated to provide individual, couple or family counselling and therapy for…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Equal opportunities / Human rights
The Synergia foundation is a non-for-profit organization which promotes the social well-being of visually impaired people in…
Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Equal opportunities / Human rights
The Association works in the field of active citizenship, democratic development and environment and climate change.
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change / Human rights
The Centre is specialized in the research and dissemination of best practices in the field of innovation.
Equal opportunities
Mission: to contribute at the sustainable development of the communities in Central and SE Europe by supporting…