Finding partners

Czech Republic
Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
Grassroots women’s organization w. over 10.000 members active on local and national level (gender issues, social iss.,…
Czech Republic
Children and Youth / Gender equality and gender-based violence
Diaconia is a non-profit-organization offering help for living a dignified and valuable life despite age, illness, disability…
Czech Republic
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Equal opportunities / Good governance and transparency
Local partnership of public and private subjects supports the villages, schools, small bussiness and NGOs in the…
Czech Republic
Equal opportunities / Human rights
SANANIM is a Czech NGO founded in 1990 providing complex services to citizens endangered by addictive behaviour…
Czech Republic
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities
The program Skutečně zdravá škola (Really Healthy School) is a whole-school-setting educational program on food and food…
Czech Republic
Environment and climate change / Good governance and transparency
The Forum provides a space for discussion, transfer of knowledge and search for solutions in activities in…
Czech Republic
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Good governance and transparency
Civipolis is a public benefit non-profit corporation founded in 2011 in Olomouc with the aim of opening…
Czech Republic
Gender equality and gender-based violence / Good governance and transparency / Human rights
We have been dedicated to social and documentary theater. We focus on the creative connection of professional…
Czech Republic
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Good governance and transparency / Human rights
Socio-ecological non-profit magazine published in print and online in order to reflect on the current development of…
Czech Republic
Children and Youth / Education
We are a rooftop org. for organizations of pre-school outdoor education. Our goal is to create suitable…