Finding partners

Education / Environment and climate change
Mostly work on promoting circular economy practises to government, municipalities, communities and businesses
Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Good governance and transparency
VIPA analyses relevant political issues, provides recommendations for public policy, encourages citizen participation in political decision making.
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
Misiunea ODF este de a milita pentru o viata mai buna pentru cetatenii de etnie roma .…
Children and Youth / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence
Turing School is a social-enterprise, focused to make world class tech education available to all.
Democracy and active citizenship / Good governance and transparency
Žemųjų Šančių bendruomenė is a community association. It nurtures civil society at community level by developing creativiety…
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities
NGO Aizkraukle District Partnership is Local Action Group, that implements local development strategy in their territory and…
Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities / Human rights
B.I.O’s mission is to promote international environmental cooperation and education, whilst raise concern over climate change and…
Children and Youth / Civic education / Democracy and active citizenship / Environment and climate change / Equal opportunities / Human rights
Marca – ADL is a non-profit association officially recognized as ENGO, Youth Organization and Public Utility Institution.
Czech Republic
Human rights
Our mission in to raise awareness of safe usage of internet and modern technologies. We offer trainings…
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination / Children and Youth / Democracy and active citizenship / Equal opportunities / Gender equality and gender-based violence / Human rights
An NGO working towards better understanding, visibility, awareness and representation of LGBTQIA+ people and topics.