Together for children
[HUMAN RIGHTS] SOS Children’s Villages approach to the EEA and Norway Grants
Empowering Roma minorities in Eastern Europe
[SOCIAL INCLUSION] Norwegian contribution to the empowerment of Roma minorities
Invitation to Central and Eastern Europe Civil Society Forum 2016 in Bucuresti
Central and Eastern Europe Civil Society Forum 2016 will take place in Bucuresti on the 25th of November, organized by …
Norge og Romania inngår historisk samarbeidsavtale
Næringsutvikling, forskning, energi og justissamarbeid er viktige satsingsområder for samarbeidet mellom Norge og Romania i årene fremover. Gjennom EØS-midlene er …
ONGFest 2016 in Romania
The ONGFest, Romania’s National Fair for Nongovernmental organizations, has become one of the most anticipated annual events for nongovernmental organizations …
Norwegian democracy seen from abroad
[DEMOCRACY] Romania studies democracy in Sogn og Fjordane
The value of volunteering
[CAPACITY BUILDING] Norwegian experience boosts volunteering in Romania
Conclusions of the Regional Conference on Roma and discrimination held in Cluj, Romania
The Regional conference on Roma and discrimination, A quarter century after, analysed constructively but also critically the last 25 years …
Comparative study on hate speech legislation in the EU
Through the project “Political discourse without discrimination,” E-Civis Association together with the Permanent Electoral Authority and the National Council for …
Roma community development and private-public partnerships
[SOCIAL INCLUSION] Can Nordstrand Rotary Club contribute in Romania?