Thematic meeting on anti-Semitism, radicalisation and violent extremism – Vilnius
Save the date and participate in the thematic meeting on anti-Semitism, radicalisation and violent extremism in Vilnius, 30th of September …
Green entrepreneurship and employability
[SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUSHIP] An outstanding Norwegian, Icelandic and Portuguese partnership
Bagels for tolerance
Building partnership against hatered and anti-Semitism
Can you translate this for me?
[HUMAN RIGHTS] Awareness raising with the help of The Norwegian Center Against Racism
Support for EuroPride Riga 2015
18 March the Norwegian Helsinki Committee sent a letter to the Latvian Prime Minister Mrs. Laimdota Straujuma, expressing our concern …
Comparative study on hate speech legislation in the EU
Through the project “Political discourse without discrimination,” E-Civis Association together with the Permanent Electoral Authority and the National Council for …
Study on NGOs in Portuguese Society
A presentation session on two studies produced under the Active Citizenship Programme, on the importance and the role of NGOs …
How to support young LGBT people in Lithuania and Norway?
[HUMAN RIGHTS] Study visits highlight some answers.
My rights – active participation in Lithuania
[HUMAN RIGHTS] Looking to Norway on how to raise public awareness about human rights
Roma community development and private-public partnerships
[SOCIAL INCLUSION] Can Nordstrand Rotary Club contribute in Romania?