[ENVIRONMENT] Working for sustainable development in Norway and Poland
From study trip to cooperation
[ENVIRONMENT] Working for sustainable development in Norway and Poland
Fighting corruption together
[GOOD GOVERNANCE] Transparency International chapters sharing experiences
ONGFest 2016 in Romania
The ONGFest, Romania’s National Fair for Nongovernmental organizations, has become one of the most anticipated annual events for nongovernmental organizations …
Norwegian democracy seen from abroad
[DEMOCRACY] Romania studies democracy in Sogn og Fjordane
Closing event of the NGO-program in Slovakia
Ekopolis Foundation together with The Open Society Foundation, as program operators of the NGO-program in Slovakia, is inviting participants to …
The value of volunteering
[CAPACITY BUILDING] Norwegian experience boosts volunteering in Romania
Rapport om sivilsamfunnet i Spania
Den spanske programoperatøren for NGO-programmet har nylig avholdt et seminar i Madrid, i anledning lanseringen av en studie om sivilsektoren …
Conclusions of the Regional Conference on Roma and discrimination held in Cluj, Romania
The Regional conference on Roma and discrimination, A quarter century after, analysed constructively but also critically the last 25 years …
Living books and stories of exclusion
[HUMAN RIGHTS] New methods for inclusion of minorities by Amnesty Norway in the Czech Republic
Developing green innovators of the future
A project to raise awareness of young people about environmental protection and green business practices