bilateral relations
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, contact point for organizations under the 2014 – 2021 programming period of the EEA and Norway Grants
Through an open competition the Norwegian Helsinki Committee has been selected to fulfill the responsibilities of a contact point for …
Together for children
[HUMAN RIGHTS] SOS Children’s Villages approach to the EEA and Norway Grants
Improving services for children at risk
[CHILDREN AND YOUTH] Poland looks to adopt Norwegian models for institutional cooperation
Empowering Roma minorities in Eastern Europe
[SOCIAL INCLUSION] Norwegian contribution to the empowerment of Roma minorities
Norge og Romania inngår historisk samarbeidsavtale
Næringsutvikling, forskning, energi og justissamarbeid er viktige satsingsområder for samarbeidet mellom Norge og Romania i årene fremover. Gjennom EØS-midlene er …
One nurse, seventy children
[SOCIAL SERVICES] Improving diabetes care in Norway and Latvia
Active Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe
[ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP] Amnesty Norway’s cooperation for youth empowerment